3 months ago
Monday, September 19, 2011
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Great Movie
The other videos that show up afterwards are amazing too! Just make sure you click the English one!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Ok, you guys HAVE to watch this!!!!! Go to this link...NOW! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mm5j1_ghoP0
Sunday, October 11, 2009
So, I got my haircut today, and I absolutely hate it! I use to look okay with buzzes, but not anymore. I have officially decided that I like my hair anywhere from medium-short to medium-long. I am glad that I have this October Break to kind of grow it out a little longer. Hopefully by homecoming in two weeks it will look half-decent too. I guess we will have to see... :/
You can look at these pictures to help you know how bad it looks...ewww. The before and after.

Okay, so I asked Katie Budd to homecoming(which I am so excited for by the way)! I didn't take pictures of how I asked her, but here is how I did it. I got a bag of flour and put it on her doorstep. By it was a paper that said "If you would like to know who would love to go to homecoming with you, search the flour for my name". Then, inside the flour were four pieces of paper that said "Look", "inside", "your", and "mailbox". So by now, she must have been like "what the heck?". Anyways, she goes to her mailbox and opens it and inside is a single rose with a paper that says, "Whoops! Wrong kind of flower! Will you go to homecoming with me? -Jason Alldredge- ". A nice little side story to this is pretty funny. So when I rang their doorbell and hobbled(I'm injured, remember? lol) away to my dad's truck(I was using it because they had never seen his truck, so I parked it across the street so that I could just hobble to it and sit there and wait till they get it). While I was sitting there, I see someone open the blinds to the side window to see who is there. Well, they see that there is no one and don' open it. So, I call and text several people to try and call Katie's cell phone and text her so that she will go outside and get this stuff. However, her phone is off and she is asleep. So, I cautiously, sneakily go back to the door and ring the doorbell and hop back to the truck. No one answers. So, it has been about an hour since I got there and decide that I just need to go home. So, I drive away. However, as I turn around the corner to go home, a cop drives by and looks at me cautiously...I was like "what in the world?". So the next day I come to find out that they had called the cops on me. They said they had had some kids bothering them lately and thought I was one of them. They could't see who I was out the window, just someone sneaking around their house and a foreign truck outside. So, it was kind of embarrassing, but it was really funny all in all. Here are some pictures of how she answered me. She made a cake with the answer at the bottom of the pan.

Well, as most of you know, I was injured a couple weeks ago. It was on the very last play of practice on Thursday before our first region game. I have missed the meat of our season. It really stinks. I am hoping to be back this week, but who knows. Anyways, how it happened is this: It was during the 2-minute drill in practice. I was on defense playing my position at outside linebacker, who has quarterback contain rush responsibility. Anyways, on this last play, the QB rolled out. So, because it is my job, I rushed him. However, the runningback came to block me. So, I got around him(I would've just hit him but we weren't wearing pads), but as I was getting around him the RB pushed me. As I took that step to regain balance, my ankle twisted and rolled to the side, accompanied by a pop or crack of some sort. I fell on the ground, immediately knowing I was injured. I was furious, but there isn't anything I could do about it. Turns out it is a grade 2 sprain and I was told I would be out for a month. However, I plan to be back sooner than he said. So, I have sat reluctantly on the sideline, anxiously waiting my turn to take the field again. Here are some pictures of my foot several days after it happened(it did look much worse, but I didn't take pictures till later, sorry).
P.S. Our team is 4-2 baby!!!!!

Monday, September 28, 2009
What Could Have Been.....
Through darkness, there is a mist.
A mist, that is unsurpassable.
It eludes, then finds again,
somehow always seeming to sneak in.
I wonder, what happened?
Where did everyone go?
And where's that promise,
that was made so long ago?
The more I look,
The more I don't see.
The harder I try to forget,
The more I want to remember.
What could have been?
Now I will never know.
Because I was so blind,
And couldn't find in time,
The light so desperately needed,
To make my life fall back in place.
And make...
P.S. Sorry guys... I stopped it because the rest is secret. :)
By Jason Alldredge
A mist, that is unsurpassable.
It eludes, then finds again,
somehow always seeming to sneak in.
I wonder, what happened?
Where did everyone go?
And where's that promise,
that was made so long ago?
The more I look,
The more I don't see.
The harder I try to forget,
The more I want to remember.
What could have been?
Now I will never know.
Because I was so blind,
And couldn't find in time,
The light so desperately needed,
To make my life fall back in place.
And make...
P.S. Sorry guys... I stopped it because the rest is secret. :)
By Jason Alldredge
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